Customer_Message — Hokujo
Jasmine, Dates and Wonderful Asatsuyu Green Tea (From Spain)

(Customer Message) Jasmine, dates and a wonderful Asatsuyu green tea... accompanied by some good friends (the artists who made the cups and teapots)
It Brews Excellent Sencha - Hokujo Teapot (From US)

[Shimizu Hokujo Nuance Black Teapot ] (Customer Message) So happy with my new Hokujo pot! It brews excellent sencha. Thank you Shiha! Hokujo Page
Report of Green Tea Brewing with Hokujo Kyusu, Hassen‘s Cup (From Germany)

[Hokujo Teapot] [Hassen Cup] (Customer Message) I tried the Asatsuyu Tea in combination with my Shimizu Hokujo Kyusu and Takatori Hassen‘s Cup and a have to admit that I am overwhelmed by the smell, taste and texture. I love the sweet smell of wild berry’s it leaves in the empty cup! Please also see (review) Hokujo Page Hassen Page About Tea (Sonogi-cha Asatsuyu)