Japanese Words for Tea Time / Pronunciation

We have listed some basic tea words and phrases in Japanese.
Please listen and try for the day
you come to Japan for tea exploration🥰🍵

Pronunciation Page :   Japanese Words for Tea Time

Pronunciation of Japanese in the page is good/OK except "green tea"
Actual pronunciation is "Ryokucha" but in this page, it sounds "Riyokucha".

(taste good)  おいしい
(beautiful)  きれい
(fresh)  新鮮
(green tea)  緑茶
(roasted green tea)  ほうじ茶
(black tea)  紅茶
(teapot, side handle)  急須
(teapot, western style)  ティーポット

(taste good) おいしいです
(smell is good) 香りが良いです
(good smell) 良いかおりです
(aftertaste is good) あと味がよいです
(beautiful color)  きれいな色です

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